Friday, March 13, 2009


Well hello everyone it is daddy's turn to update again. Well not a whole lot to report again, Edward did have a little rough of a day with his O2 saturation again. They had to readjust his ventilator tube today it had slipped out a little bit. It also looks like his lungs are again a little wetter then they would like, so they are going to give him more Lasics (i don't know if that is the proper spelling) which will help dry up his lungs. hopefully once his lungs are a little dryer and now that his tube has been readjusted he should have a few really good days.

In other news, we still have had no luck on Misty phone. We thought that someone was trying to sell it on Craigslist but it wasn't her phone. but we still have one lead so we will have to see. hopefully we will still be able to get it back. It also looks like that quarantine of the Ronald McDonald House is going to end Sunday night so the kitchens will be open again and most of our diners will be provided again. Which will be really nice and save us a lot of money since we won't have to eat out as much. Well that about it for tonight. Thank you all again for all of you thoughts and prayers.


1 comment:

  1. It is spelled Lasix. You were close. :)
    Glad to hear that the kitchen will be opening again.
