Monday, January 18, 2010

update 1-18-2010

Edward is getting so big! we went to Ohio for Christmas and had an amazing time and we really enjoyed getting to see all the family (even a few people we hadn't seen in a few years!) It was wonderful! Edward loved opening presents which makes me even more excited for next year when he is really aware of whats going on! Now we are looking forward to Edwards !st birthday...(AHHHH HE IS ALMOST A YEAR OLD!!!!!) Im so excited! He is making leaps and bounds and is sooo close to crawling! Actually tonight he figured out peek-a-boo it was soo cute he kept pulling the covers over his face and yanking them away and ten cracking up! I love my son! well I have tons and tons of photos to post but with our new camera Im going to have to re size them so bare with me! hopefully now that the holidays have settled im planning on trying to blog once a week! hope all is well!
