Saturday, October 10, 2009


sorry its been a while again! here is the update: Edward has been doing pretty well! the only problem we have really been having is he is getting alot of air/gas in his stomach. but other than that he is doing awesome! He is talking up a storm and he laughs all the time which is sooo cute! he is also starting to roll over more often and he loves eating his fingers and watching TV! He is getting so big if I would guess I would think he is about 15 pounds now! he is still really short a couple of weeks ago they measured him @ Wic and he was only 22 inches long. Oh well maybe he is going to be short like his mommy but hope fully he will be about his Uncle Rusty's size! well here are some great pictures we took and a couple of the Crazy snow we are getting here in the Middle of October! oh ps. the pictures are way out of order...sorry!
