Sorry everyone, It was daddy turn to blog and I completely forgot about it. Well Edward is still doing very good. They are slowly weening him of the oxygen pressure. He went down to 2.5 liters rather then 3. Mommy has been instructed to start allowing Edward to attempt to suckle in an effort to start training him do breast feed. Normally they don't start this until they are 34 weeks but he is ahead of the curve, and started a few days ago when he was about 32 weeks. We still don't know if he will be able to due to his cleft pallet. Although a few days ago he yawned really big for us and we were able to get a good view of this pallet and if doesn't look nearly as bad as we thought it was. Also mommy dressed him up as a Cleavland brown, I will include pictures.
I will be leaving tomorrow to return home for a few days to take care of some work stuff. I will hopefully return Thursday Evening. Misty will be blogging for the next couple days.

go browns! (grandma and grandpa schwendeman gave me all this cool stuff!)

mommy is proud of her little football player

go out for a long one!

Heisman pose!

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