Saturday, April 25, 2009

Hello everyone mommy here, Edward ha a really big day! it started off with me arguing with the doctors again about getting him extubated.. well I finally won and he is vent free as of 1025 this morning an is once again proving the doctors wrong! today he also started his full feeds again which is 30cc's every 3 hours and i think he is much happier now! tonight Edward got a much needed bath which he wasn't a big fan of but afterward i think he felt much better. well that's about it... another end to a very long but happy day (at least for me (Edward has been in a very sour mood)) well good night all, sorry no pictures again but as soon as the quarantine is over i promise to post tons!! sleep tight!



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good for you Misty, don't ever forget that you are your child's best advocate! Really glad that Edward is doing well!!! Mary Osborne
