so today was a really long day. I woke up and called the hospital and Carey his nurse said that he was not doing well so I called the shuttle to get a ride to the hospital and they said it would be 45 min so I freaked out but then I ran into a friend here at the Ronald
McDonald house and she ended up taking me to the Hospital. I guess he was
desating and
bradying for 20 min. and they
couldn't figure out what was wrong with him. they tried deep suctioning because they thought he had
aspirated. they ended up bagging him but in the end they figured out one of the things was unplugged from the high flow. so in the end it
wasn't his fault at all! once they plugged him back in he did fine. the rest of the day was pretty good he kept crying
every time he lost his pacifier so I had to keep getting up and giving it back to him and he slept through his physical
therapy. well
that's about it... its pretty late and
I'm exhausted... good night all!
I'm winking!

do you like my cool shirt?!
Edward crying (we can finally hear him!)
Edward just hanging out
haha I love the videos! The cry is adorable and that yawm he did was wicked cute! He's such a cute baby!