hello all! Misty here. Edward has had a good day today and has made some progress. He got his Picc line out today which means he has no IVs! He has been at a pretty steady rate of 28-30% today on his oxygen and we breath 21% so he is doing really great as opposed to the other day when he was at like 70%. he is now getting 8cc's of breast milk every 2 hours. so over all it has been a pretty good day! Since I'm not producing much milk I went to the doctor yesterday and they proscribed me reglan which is an acid reflux medicine that also happens to increase milk production in alot of woman. I picked up the prescription today and I'm going to start taking it tomorrow and hopefully that should help me. David will soon be up for review on whether or not he can stay down here with me or whether he has to go back to work and my c-section is not completely healed so we are really hoping that they will extend it a little longer since I need him to pack it still so please pray about that. Also I'm really not looking forward to living and being here by myself because its a hard enough situation with support but being alone is going to be super hard. I know I need to put my trust in God and he will help me make it through but I'm still really scared But I know I will somehow make it through. well that's it for tonight it's bedtime here! Thank you for all you prayers and all the gifts and food everyone has sent us!
Ps. I wrote thank you cards for all the stuff I got for my shower a while ago but things got crazy with my pregnancy and then of course I had him early but I plan on sending them out this week. I really appreciate all the gifts for Edward and the surprise shower was great!

im escaping!

hi mom and dad!

I dont know about this

What a beautiful baby boy! We continue to pray for Edward and you two. Edward is an inspiration. If that tiny little guy can put up with all of the discomforts and prodding and poking, we should never complain about anything again! If we could only trust God and be as dependent on Him as Edward has to be every moment, we might begin to understand the depth of His love for us!
ReplyDelete"Therefore, humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God; that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you...After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. To Him be dominion for ever and ever. Amen." 1Peter 6-7,10-11
We are so glad that things are going better and better...we will pray that they continue so. We will especially pray about David's review.
ReplyDeletehey misty,
ReplyDeletei just wanted to say that were praying for you guys, and Dave's review, i hope he can get it extended as well. i am going to pick up some things for Edward, since i have not sent anything for him yet let me know what you need and i will try to send it. I wish i could be there, especially if dave does not get it extended, but we can not go without a check and kris would watch the kids so i could go out there. maybe i can try later on, closer to spring time. but i love you guys and i am soooo Excited that he is getting that much milk and that his breathing is getting better. i hope you have a great day,
love ya,
He's looking really great! I hope things continue to go well! We are still praying for all 3 of you! Take care!