So Edward had a pretty crappy day today. It started out OK. at his 1 o'clock cares he was doing OK He was holding my finger and every time I took it away he would desat so I ended up standing there holding his hand for an hour. i guess he just wanted his mommy. he was still OK at 5 except that he kept majorly desating. so when we returned to the hospital at 7:30 they were trying to start an iv because he was acting suspicious and they found out he needed another blood transfusion (that makes 6) they also had to re tape his tube because they did an xray and found out that he was almost extabated. they are also doing cultures and taking a urine sample to find out if something else is wrong. so please keep little E in your prayers I have some pictures to post but I'm going to wait until morning because I'm pretty wiped out. good night all.
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