So today was kind of a rough day for Edward. He was desating alot so they did a chest x-ray but it showed that his tube was still in place but they also found out his "small" air leak was actually a large air leak it was actually leaking 80-85%. So now their plan of action is to talk to the attending doctor tomorrow and possible try to extibate him early next week and try the high pressure nasal cannula because he saw the ear nose and throat specialist this morning and they don't think a custom palate protector will work with cpap. so we will see how well he does but they basically said the amount of air he is getting now with the leak is about equal to what he would get with cpap so he will probably do better than they originally thought. so we have definitely made progress with the plan to get him off the ventilator. on the bright side of things I got to hold Edward twice today! it was awesome! well that's about it I will let you know in the morning if he made it to a kilo! oh and I will post pictures (our camera died so we don't have many from earlier so I will take more at his 9 o'clock cares). good night all!
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