Monday, March 30, 2009
Doing Good!!!!
Dad here, We almost forgot to blog tonight, Fortunately for all of you we remembered. Well Edwards is doing amazingly well, Even the doctors are impressed. He is now past 24 hours on his new oxygen supply system. He really hasn't had any issues except for a small scary which wasn't his fault. For the time being he really hasn't desated at all. about the lowest he has gotten was about 75 % Saturation and he bounced back really well. It kinda exciting we are finally able to hear our little guy cry a little. lol, I'm sure I won't say that I'm excited to hear him cry in a few months. We are also noticing that he seems to be sleeping more now. Which is a very good thing and most likely because he is more comfortable. We are really hoping that he will continue to do good with the nasal tubes. If he doesn't he will most likely be move back to just a bigger ventilator tube. But we would love to take two steps forward and no steps back. Well that if for tonight I have to get pretty early to take my parents to the airport. Thank you all again for all of you thoughts and prayers.
My little guy. : )
Sleepy time! All wrapped up.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
so as of 7pm tonight he is finally extibated! It took long enough! first they were going to do it on Saturday then it was supposed to be @ 11am today so I missed church so I could be there but then @ 10 till 11 they came and said closer to 1 and then 1 o'clock came and went and I got very upset because nobody was communicating with us so our nurse Sandy (who was amazing!) set it up so I can stay @ the hospital tonight and she got me 2 meal vouchers. well we pretty much thought it wouldn't happen until tomorrow but when they had done the chest x-ray earlier in the day it showed the tube was almost all the way out anyway so we kinda thought he might pull it out himself. well, when I came back from dinner I got the good news that they were going to try and do it @ 7 which amazingly actually did happen! so now I'm blogging really quick because I need to get back to the hospital. They said he might eventually get tired of breathing on his own and have to reintibate him so I really want to be there if that does happen. so Pray for Little E he has a long tough night ahead of him! ~Misty
oooh down to 27% oxygen last few minutes on the vent!
Quick update.
Hey just wanted to update everyone really quickly. Edwards tube removal has been delayed most likely till tomorrow due to the doctors "being busy". we will update more later.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
so they didn't extibate him today because another baby was having problems so Edward will get extibated tomorrow at 11:00 am. he is doing really well today his oxygen is down to 31! other than that not a whole lot of news... oh they did try a pacifier and he liked it...well i better go we are headed back to the hospital sorry there isn't a whole lot news but there are pictures! enjoy!
so happy
Friday, March 27, 2009
1 Kilo
Hello everyone, Dad here. Today has been a very busy day. I was back and forth to the airport twice today. Once to take Grandma Edwards to the airport at 4 am and the second time around 2pm to pickup my parents. So both grandma and grandpa Menken are now here and really enjoying getting to see their first grandchild.
Well we got a lot of news for you tonight about Edward. First off, he has finally joined the Kilo club. He has more then double his weight which is a very good start. Now we just have to pack about another 3 pounds on him before he will be able to come home with us. Today we also found out that tomorrow they are going to go ahead and attempt to move him up to a high pressure nasal cannula. They have started him on Caffeine and steroids again to help build him up for the move. Please pray for him and the everyone that will be working on him tomorrow. If the high pressure nasal cannula does not work they will have to reintibate him with a larger tube. Well that is about it until tomorrow.
Little Edward trying to get his tube out.
Well we got a lot of news for you tonight about Edward. First off, he has finally joined the Kilo club. He has more then double his weight which is a very good start. Now we just have to pack about another 3 pounds on him before he will be able to come home with us. Today we also found out that tomorrow they are going to go ahead and attempt to move him up to a high pressure nasal cannula. They have started him on Caffeine and steroids again to help build him up for the move. Please pray for him and the everyone that will be working on him tomorrow. If the high pressure nasal cannula does not work they will have to reintibate him with a larger tube. Well that is about it until tomorrow.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
2 times!
So today was kind of a rough day for Edward. He was desating alot so they did a chest x-ray but it showed that his tube was still in place but they also found out his "small" air leak was actually a large air leak it was actually leaking 80-85%. So now their plan of action is to talk to the attending doctor tomorrow and possible try to extibate him early next week and try the high pressure nasal cannula because he saw the ear nose and throat specialist this morning and they don't think a custom palate protector will work with cpap. so we will see how well he does but they basically said the amount of air he is getting now with the leak is about equal to what he would get with cpap so he will probably do better than they originally thought. so we have definitely made progress with the plan to get him off the ventilator. on the bright side of things I got to hold Edward twice today! it was awesome! well that's about it I will let you know in the morning if he made it to a kilo! oh and I will post pictures (our camera died so we don't have many from earlier so I will take more at his 9 o'clock cares). good night all!
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
almost a kilo!
hello everyone! so today was an interesting day for Edward they went down again on his vent settings which was great except that after they did that he started desating more and more and now his oxygen is a little higher than normal. because he was desating so much I didn't get to hold him. so now its been 3 days since I held him and I'm going through withdraw! well that's about it except that he gained another ounce making him 2 pounds 3 ounces! he should hit a kilo tomorrow!
I had my 6 week postpartum check up today which went well except that they say that if I get pregnant again I Will more than likely have the same issues and they might happen earlier. so now David and I have alot of talking to do because I don't think I want another one if we are going to have to go through this again because it is not fair to the child. I guess we will have alot to pray about before we even think about another one (in the very distant future). well I'm gonna get some sleep good night all!
trying to keep my eyes open
look at his beautiful eyes!
I had my 6 week postpartum check up today which went well except that they say that if I get pregnant again I Will more than likely have the same issues and they might happen earlier. so now David and I have alot of talking to do because I don't think I want another one if we are going to have to go through this again because it is not fair to the child. I guess we will have alot to pray about before we even think about another one (in the very distant future). well I'm gonna get some sleep good night all!
Good Busy day!
Hello everyone, today has been a pretty good day. A lot of things happened today. Edward got his first bath (sponge bath) which he did not enjoy at all. he was moving all around and trying to roll over. Today he also received his first Eye exam, He's eyes still have premature vessels which was expected. they will recheck his eyes in two weeks. He now weighs 2lb. and 2oz.
Today misty, Grandma Edward and I visited the Cleft lip and pallet department at Denver Children's hospital just a block down from where University of Co. hospital is. We got alot of really good info regarding what the course of action will be once he is ready for the for it. normally they start the surgeries at about 3 months but for him it will be quite a bit further down the road to to how premature he was. So over all we had a pretty productive day. Well I'm quite tired, so I will upload some pictures tomorrow afternoon.
Thank you all for you continued thoughts and prayers,
Today misty, Grandma Edward and I visited the Cleft lip and pallet department at Denver Children's hospital just a block down from where University of Co. hospital is. We got alot of really good info regarding what the course of action will be once he is ready for the for it. normally they start the surgeries at about 3 months but for him it will be quite a bit further down the road to to how premature he was. So over all we had a pretty productive day. Well I'm quite tired, so I will upload some pictures tomorrow afternoon.
Thank you all for you continued thoughts and prayers,
Monday, March 23, 2009
hello everyone! well today was a pretty good day not a whole lot of new info. Grandma Edwards came to visit and got to hold Little E. He did Brady a couple of times today but brought himself back up. that's about it for Edward. other than that we had a pretty fun evening! My Uncle Greg and 2 year old cousin Lily came to the Ronald McDonald house for dinner and some play time in the huge play room here. we had an awesome time! well I gotta go I need some major sleep I'm exhausted! until tomorrow..
so cute
Sunday, March 22, 2009
so touched!
so today when David and I arrived at the hospital we noticed a card taped to the chair next to Edwards Iceolet. it said to My mommy and Daddy. when we opened it it said thank you for taking caring for me and being there for me and there was a 25 dollar gift card to applebees and under that it said P.s. Nurse Donna said you like applebees! It was so sweet! we love Donna and she is so sweet! she is Edwards favorite Night nurse! he always does better when she has him and I think that is because she is his primary and has him every week so he recognizes her :) so in other news they are taking him off his diarrectic because his sodium was low. they also are putting him in bigger diapers because the other ones were irritating his hernia (they are so huge they swallow him whole!) they are also upping his feeds they upped it to 11 cc's every 2 hours and if he does well @ 9 they will up it to 12 cc's every 2 hours! and the biggest news is last night he was 1 pound 15 and 1/2 ounces so tonight when they weigh him @ 9 he should be 2 pounds! so exciting! he is almost a kilo! well that's about it except that his 1st neighbor went home today so now he is the oldest baby in his little area! I will add pictures when I get back tonight!
Dad's Turn
Mom has been nice and has updated two nights in a row now, but now it is back to my turn. Not a whole lot to report on. Edward had a pretty good day, they drew some more labs today just to keep watching the issues with his thyroid. I think I my have already mentioned it but we are now getting to hold Edward everyday which is really enjoyable. Well that is pretty much everything. So thank you all again for all of your thoughts and prayers.
Friday, March 20, 2009
first day of spring!
hello all and happy first day of spring! also Edward says happy birthday to Grandpa Edwards! well today was a pretty good day Edward desated a little more than yesterday but not as much as he normally does. They also drew some labs last night and found out he has a problem with his thyroid so now he is on medicine and they say he will have to be on it until he is three years old. other than that nothing else is really new today. well i gonna get some sleep good night all!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
great day
so today was a pretty great day. I started out the day with a massage here at the Ronald McDonald house. then we went to the hospital and I got to do Edwards physical therapy and I learned how to turn him by myself. He had a really great day with his desating and he even had one set of cares where they didn't need to suction his tube! I also got to hold him for 45 min. and he sated high the whole time. so overall it was a pretty great day. well I have to cut it short tonight because its late and I'm exhausted but I will post some pictures in the morning. good night all!
Daddy gets to hold Edward
Well hello all, Dad here. Well today was a good day for me, I was hold my little guy. Due the amount of times that they were letting us hold him, I was letting mommy hold him when ever we were able to hold him. Well they are now wanting us to hold him everyday, so today I held him. It is an unreal feeling the first time you ever hold you child. It is just so amazing how tiny he is. It is also really cool how he just kind of molds to you body when you hold him.
In other news, we were hoping that he would make it to 2 lb. tonight, but I guess he had a little more water weight then they wanting. So they gave him something to help him lose a little water weight, and now he has 3 oz to go till he is at 2lb. Misty and I also made a trip home today which went really well. We were able to see our little puppy and take care of some paper work that need to be finished. Well I think that about it. I'm uploading a few photos from tonight for your enjoyment.

In other news, we were hoping that he would make it to 2 lb. tonight, but I guess he had a little more water weight then they wanting. So they gave him something to help him lose a little water weight, and now he has 3 oz to go till he is at 2lb. Misty and I also made a trip home today which went really well. We were able to see our little puppy and take care of some paper work that need to be finished. Well I think that about it. I'm uploading a few photos from tonight for your enjoyment.
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