so today was a really good day Edward took 25 cc's of milk from his bottle which is awesome because he only eats 35! hopefully he continues to do well with feedings and we can check one more thing off the list of things he needs to do to go home! other than that not a whole lot of new. Edward gained weight he is now 4 pounds 5 oz. meaning he gained 2 oz. since last night! well that's about it I'm off to bed! good night all! ~Misty

Edward is pondering!

still thinking


mommy burping me

eating all my yummy milk

look at my cute outfit!

mommy's little boy!
The news just keeps getting better! Yesterday I was able to give a report to my adult Sunday School class regarding Edward's progress. Many have prayed for him. Only Heaven knows the many prayers that have gone before the throne for this little guy. Seeing him grow and do cute baby things like holding his own pacifier is such a delight! Also, watching you guys stay strong through all these trials is an encouragement as well. We love you and are proud of you. Love, Grandma and Grandpa Menken
ReplyDeleteOh my word! He's a giant man. How did he get so big in just 2 the 2 weeks since I've seen him? He fits in clothes. And he is using his ducky blanket. Yay!