Sunday, May 31, 2009
Last day at UCH
Dad here again. Well today was Edwards last full day at University of Colorado Hospital. It was his last day with Sandi Another one of his favorite nurses. his day wasn't to bad, although he was having quite a few problems with reflux. But he will only have one more day of dealing with that. Tomorrow Edward will be move over to Children's hospital at 10am and his surgery is planed for 7pm. That have already started his IV and started giving him hydrocordazone. Also grandma will be returning home tomorrow. We will up date everyone as soon as we have news about the out come of his surgeries.
Looking Cute for daddy
AH what happend to may hands
I'm Tired
Midget Man
Out Like a lite
Grandma holding Edward after they put in his IV
Mommy and Edward
Another pretty good day
Hello all, Dad here again. Today was over all pretty good we were able to take Edward on two walks around the nicu again today. He really seems to enjoy getting out of his crib and being carried around. Tonight is his last night with one of his favorite (ours too) nurses Donna. But she promised to visit him at Children's Hospital so that good. He is also back up to 6lb. 3oz. witch is really good. Well that's really about it for tonight. Misty should have some more pictures to upload tomorrow.
Friday, May 29, 2009
good day

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Hello everyone, dad here. Just a quick update for now mom has more photos to upload tomorrow. Edward will be moving to Children's Hospital and getting his surgery on Monday. Mommy got to take Edward on two walks around the nicu to day, both with completely different results. His first walk he sleep through and during his second walk he was all bright eyed and looking around. He now weighs 6lb. 3oz. and is no longer allowed to bottle feed at least until he recovers from his surgery. Well that's about it for tonight, We are all very tired and need to get some sleep. Thank you all for your continued thoughts and prayers. We greatly appreciate them as we are again starting starting to experience the intense moments of the crazy roller coaster ride.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
bad bad day
so today has been a horrible day! the only good thing is that my mom is here! So today started off bad because I only got 4 hours of sleep last night. then I find out that Edward is having his upper GI, an eye exam, and an echo cardiogram. well the upper GI did not go so well and that means Edward now has to have more surgery. he is having this thing where thy take part of the stomach and tie it around the esophagus so that acid can't come back up. he also has to get a G-tube in is stomach (feeding tube) so yeah then my day gets even "better" we find out in order to do these surgeries they have to transfer Edward to Childrens. so my mom and I went over to childrens to tour the NICU and first off the charge nurse was rude and mean and second they have 2 types of beds at thier NICU; Private rooms and open spaces with no privacy. well then the nurse tells us he will have to be on a waiting list to get a private room unless there are special sercumstances. well I refuss to have an open space and I think Edward being in the hospital for 4 months already should be reason enough to just give him a private room. but whatever nobody cares how I feel! well then the next crappy thing that happened was I called the shuttle and he told me he could bring me back to the hospital at 6:15 because we have a meeting with the surgeon. so we get all the way back to the Ronald McDonald house and then he says oh sorry I can't do that it has to be 6:30 which won't work because the surgeon is coming and then we asked to be taken back and he couldn't because he has t drive to Denver! I am so angry! so any who then I get back to my room and see on the door that they are going to clean the carpets tomorrow and we have to be out of our room by 9 and we can't leave any valuables or anything on the floor... so yea I lost it! today is not my day! so now we have to find a ride back to the hospital and I really have no idea what to do about everything else... I'm just really done with this whole situation. I really don't know what I'm going to do without his nurses (Donna, Carrie, ad Sandi) they keep me sane! and from what Ive seen I already dislike the nurses at children's... please pray for my sanity.
so today was an OK day therapy fed him because he hasn't wanted to eat but they started him on a thickener to hopefully help with his reflux and he ended up taking 15 cc's. he is now 6 pounds 2 ounces and they are trying low flow again. to well there really isn't anything else to report. grandma Schwendeman will be here in the morning! good night all!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
so Edward had a good day for the most part. he had no major desats and he is still on 1 liter. the only thing that didn't go so well was nippling he barely took anything and we tried breast feeding, the haberman bottle, and the enfimil squeeze bottle and he still took nothing. well that's about it I'm off to bed goodnight all pictures tomorrow!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
so Edward had an OK day they lowered his liter flow to 1 liter and he did OK for the most part. He did Brady a couple of times but it was all due to reflux. he also didn't do well with nippling which is becoming more and more typical of him lately. they think its because of him getting tired so quickly and because of the reflux. but sometime this coming week the are going to do an upper GI to see what is causing it and to see if he is aspirating and if that could be causing his breathing issues. well that's about it he still weighs the same as yesterday. goodnight all!
Edwards handsome face wit nothing on it
my beautiful son!
big yawn!
go Nuggets!
yummy paci!
"what do you think your doing to me?!?!"
so today was a decent day he had Sandi as his nurse which is always good. he is down to a liter and a half but still up on his oxygen. his reflux is also getting pretty bad so they are going to do an upper GI sometime this week. he also bradyed today which makes me sad. and he lost some weight he is 5 pounds 14 ounces. well that's about it pictures tomorrow!
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Pretty Good Day
Hello everyone, Dads back in town for a 4Day week end due to the holiday. Edward has had a pretty good day today. He got a bath in his new bath tub that mommy got for him. He also did really well with bottle feeding this evening. I was able to take 35cc. from his bottle which is really exciting. He currently weighs 5lb 15oz, just an oz short of 6lb. It is really incredible so see how big he has gotten. Well that it for tonight were pretty tired, but I do have some pictures for you all.
Like Father like Son.

Mom and Edward in the middle of a discussion
All settle in.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
bad again
so today was another crappy day Edward was going up and down and up and down on his sats and his reparations. they are going to try a different diaretic. he is now 5 pounds 14 ounces. well that's about it David is back for the long weekend so I'm really happy. oh and Edward is moving back to his old pace because they transferred a bunch of babies today so now they have room! well good night all! ~Misty
better day
hello everyone! so today was a better day!Edward is breathing better and they think the lasix is finally working! He still weighs 5 pounds 13 ounces and he finally got an actual crib! another big thing is he got moved and he now has a roommate! well that's about it! goodnight all! ~Misty
"helping out holding my oxygen!"
"who me? I wasn't doing anything!?"
"its not Christmas why this silly hat?!!?
"oh hi! do you like my bouncy seat?"
soo cute!
the coolest kid in town
"I got a new bed!"
"loving my new crib!"
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