Friday, February 27, 2009


so David is still sick but I'm fine now I finally got to see Edward today but i wore gloves and a mask and didn't touch him which was really hard. he is still having problems with his o2 stats going up and down and his lung x-ray today was not as good as yesterdays. but the reason this blog is titled grr! is because when he go his PDA surgery they stapled him shut and never booked a follow up to take them out now they think the skin may have partially grown over them and tonight poor Edward has to get them taken out. they are giving him pain medicine but still I can't believe they forgot! how terrible! oh well that is my rant for the night... on the up side we had Edwards favorite nurse tonight Donna and even though I couldn't do his footprints (it is footprint Friday after all!) she did them for me and a really great hand print! OK well that's it for now I'm extremely exhausted so I will post the few pictures I took today in the morning... goodnight all!


1 comment:

  1. No no no no no no no no no no no! Are you kidding? The medical staff FORGOT to take out your precious little helpless infant’s staples! Oh … my … God! Something like this could actually cause some serious complications. Of course, it is their job to down play things so that you will 1. Not try to sue the pants off them and 2. To cover their butts by keeping you calm so as to not want to explore matters further. From all that you’ve stated here on the blog, it is fair to conclude that his immune system is very much compromised, and a simple mistake like this could cause severe infection, which could cause death. If it were me, I’d have them reported to the QIO (Quality Improvement Organization), I’d have a lawyer involved, and there would be some serious restitution paid for the damages, which in your case, would be the unnecessary pain caused to your little prized bundle of joy, all because they were negligent. You are handling things much better then I would. I’d be going nuts. I’d tear that hospital and the NICU to shreds. I can’t understand how you all are holding up. Actually, I can—prayer and faith.

    I’d like to give you a very brief commentary. I’m not doing it to cast any judgment upon you. I hope that you will not take me the wrong way. I’m just trying to help. I’ve been through soooooo much for the twenty-four years I’ve been alive, that I feel like I have no innocence left in me. I’ve buried ten of my very special childhood friends thus far, and three more are about to see their way to the grave. One has cancer of the eye that she may not win up against. Another is having serious complications due to MS. The last is suffering the last stages of Batten Disease, a very painfully degenerative condition. If you want to understand more about Batten Disease, you can read a brief factsheet at

    I’ve had the pleasure of attending a residential school during my youth, due to me being blind, to ensure that I’d receive a proper education. Attending this school has allowed me to learn so much and have experiences that I would have otherwise not had elsewhere. I’ve learned about sooooooooooo many genetic illnesses, mental disorders, degenerative diseases, chronic illnesses, and various other handicaps and sicknesses. Heck, I feel like I could possess a PH.D without the schooling. Consequently, with these special experiences, come severe pain and sorrow and a major loss of my innocence. What I’ve endured and witnessed would take years to put into words, especially since I’ve endured more dying and suffering around me than most my age, except for what those young men and women in the military endure. It is actually difficult and painful. But to help you out, I felt I had to share an experience with you so you could get proper justice for your son.

    I had a good childhood friend. She was so humble, which is the opposite of me, though; I fight hard to fight my pride and stubbornness. She was always happy and smiling. She brought so much joy to me. Sadly, she became severely ill. She had stomach cancer. Just like in the case of your son, the medical staff had an oversight. They FORGOT a crucial part of her treatment, and it cost her life. Because her family was uninformed, they felt they had no recourse to take, and they just chalked it up to the staff trying their hardest and that oversights would occur from time to time. I want you to know that this should never happen. These medical personnel are responsible for people’s lives. There is no margin for error. What’s more, no excuses should ever be made for these people, nor should you ever have to accept these excuses. They have a responsibility. They are to do their job correctly and precisely, and they tremendously failed you here. Now because of this, your son must suffer unnecessarily while they will have a much harder time removing the staples from his skin, which will be a lot for his little body to bear.

    While the unnecessary death of my friend could have been prevented had the staff done their jobs like they were supposed to, I’ve learned many important lessons. I first learned that I should always work on being as humble and as godlike as she was. Oh, my, did she always pray. Secondly, I must live my life using Jehovah god and his only begotten Son Christ Jesus as my example, trying to be a humble as possible and also fight for justice. And third, I use my spare time lovingly informing everyone I can so they can know their rights, protect themselves, and their families. While I’m still sad and grieve over my friend’s loss from time to time, much good has come from it, and I know I will see her again when Jehovah God transforms this earth into a stunningly beautiful paradise, where no sickness, death or pain will abound.—Revelation 21:3, 4.

    I strongly suggest that you immediately call 1800-lawyers for some legal aid and consultation. You are still within the statute of limitation to demand restitution for your son’s undue suffering. If you have any questions, if you want someone to pray with and for you, or if you need someone to talk to, please do not hesitate to call me at 301-535-3733. You can even email me at

    You probably wonder why I’m so open and willing to give out my contact info. Well, one, I’m self employed and work as a computer service technician nationwide. Because of this, my website along with my phone number is all over the web. Two, I’m a very open person. I love to help out people in any way possible. If someone undesirable calls me, which has happened since my information is easily accessed, I just tell them to lose my number and take a hike. If they keep being a total weirdoe and continue to call one hundred times a day, I just ignore them. They will eventually go away. It’s that simple. I’m not worried about it. My many experiences have taught me that there are much bigger things to sweat than some freak finding my number. That’s the furthest worry from my mind.

    Hopefully someday, I will have the pleasure of talking to you. And rest assured, I will be keeping you in my prayers, as Jehovah God is an awesome God. Without him, I would never have made it, nor would I be as strong as I am today. I could never accomplish any of this on my own strength.

    I stumbled upon your blog on accident, but I’m so glad I did, as your experience has been rewarding to read. Thanks for sharing it, as it can be something to inspire many. You have been an inspiration to me, and I will continue to be one of your loyal readers. Please feel free to read my blogs if you’d like.

    P.S. My boyfriend, the love of my life whom I’m to marry next year, has the name Edward. Edward is a beautiful name. and my name is Reina.
