Friday, December 11, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
long awaited update
hello everyone! its been so long since I blogged! Its been a busy month! we had some friends stay with us then Dave and I were both sick but by the grace of God Edward stayed healthy! the only issue we have had was he had an eye infection. some big stuff has taken place since I last wrote Edward got his first tooth and then his second! he lost a little weight so they uped his feeding olume and moved it to every four hours. he is rolling over all the time and has an amazing personality he even sings when you sing to him! it is too cute! The biggest thing that has happened though is that he is now able to eat baby food! he loves it so much and is doing great! well thats about all the updates we are planning on making a visit to Ohio for Christmas please pray that that goes well and that everything goes smoothly!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Saturday, October 10, 2009
sorry its been a while again! here is the update: Edward has been doing pretty well! the only problem we have really been having is he is getting alot of air/gas in his stomach. but other than that he is doing awesome! He is talking up a storm and he laughs all the time which is sooo cute! he is also starting to roll over more often and he loves eating his fingers and watching TV! He is getting so big if I would guess I would think he is about 15 pounds now! he is still really short a couple of weeks ago they measured him @ Wic and he was only 22 inches long. Oh well maybe he is going to be short like his mommy but hope fully he will be about his Uncle Rusty's size! well here are some great pictures we took and a couple of the Crazy snow we are getting here in the Middle of October! oh ps. the pictures are way out of order...sorry!

Thursday, September 24, 2009
so Edward is doing good! we went to the plastic surgeon yesterday and they are wanting to schedule his surgery for March as long as we don't move before then! soo exciting! finally progress! also yesterday we stopped over @ university to see Carrie and all of Edwards other NICU nurses :) it was nice to see everyone! now we somehow have to see Donna since she hasn't seen him since he was in Children's NICU. oh well it was great to visit! and next time we hope we also get to see Sandi! well I better go Ive got a stinky diaper to change! good night!
hi Grandma!
Go browns!!
surprise!! mommy just took a picture
Baby shark doo doo doo doo doo
spiked hair!
soo cute!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
the whole story
So I was informed that Ive never written the story of Edward's birth on here... so for those of you that do not know the whole story this is how my miracle was born....
Tuesday February 10, 2009 10:00am
I went to the OBGYN for a follow up appointment because the week before I had gone to Labor and delivery 4 times because my contractions where getting worse and Edward wasn't moving a whole lot. well they never did an ultrasound they just monitored his heart rate and sent me home. well back to my appointment I go in and they try to find his heart rate with the little Doppler thing and they were having issues getting anything so they tell me everything is fine and he is probably just in the back of my uterus so they take me to another room and hook me up to the little thing that records the babies heart rate and shows contractions and they were still having a hard time so they say well there is no one in ultrasound so lets just go get a reading there (they still weren't concerned) so I get to ultrasound and the tech puts the thing on my belly and she says hmm... and I asked what is wrong and she said its not a big deal I will just have to get the doc when we are done so next she measures him and she is looking even more worried (oh btw they found his heart beat just fine) so then she starts to look at the blood flow from the umbilical chord and right as she is doing that I started contracting so then she says "I will be right back" so now I'm a little concerned... well she comes back with the doctor and they look at me some more and then the doctor tells me that my fluid is low and that Edward hasn't grown for 2 weeks and that when I am contracting Edward is getting no blood flow from the umbilical chord... so she tells me they are going to have to send me to Denver to be monitored because Cheyenne can't handle this... so she sends me up to labor and delivery to wait for a helicopter to come get me... well apparently the wind was too strong and they had to send an ambulance... so in the mean time they are hooking me up and I start to have issues breathing (a panic attack) and my blood pressure went through the roof (it was already getting higher and higher each appointment) so then they are worried about pre-ecclampsia.. well 2 hours later the ambulance gets there and first thing they do is give me a sedative because I'm freaking out a little... so I basically slept the whole 2 hour ride to Denver.. well we get there and they hook me back up to the monitors and the Doc and ultrasound tech come in and do an ultrasound and then they tell me that they are going to give me a steroid shot for his lungs and that I will get another one in the morning... well I am monitored for about an hour and then the shift changes and a high risk OB comes in to do another ultrasound and he does so for about ten minutes and then tells me that he is sorry but they are going to have to take me back and do an emergency c-section... well the first thing I asked was "how much of a chance that Edward will survive?" and the Doctor tells me about 5% and that he is so small that it is unlikely that they will be able to intubate him and they will try to revive him but it is unlikely.... so then he tels me they are going to put me out and I told him no so he goes and talks to the anaesthesiologist and they decide... OK I can get a spinal... well it took 9 times for them to get the spinal in and for it to work so then it is time to deliver Edward and I didn't even know he was out of me and then I start to hear them bagging him and then all the sudden it stops and I thought he was dead and then they are wheeling him out and they tell me that he is intubated and they are taking him to the NICU. well after they were done sewing me up they took me to the recovery room and I asked when can I see him and they tell me when I can move my toes so I try and try and try and in the mean time the NICU doctors come in and ask me what I want to do if he is in pain (keep him alive or let him pass) and we tell them we have to pray about it and then I finally move my toes and they wheel me to a room... so then again I ask "when can I see him?" and they tell me I have to be able to get into a wheelchair by myself.... (well crap I can just now move my toes) so then they let David go see him and he brings me back a picture on his cell phone... and finally I get into a wheelchair (mostly using my arms) and they are about to wheel me over to the NICU and another nurse comes in and tells me I have to wait because he pulled out his breathing tube...uhh I was panicked and about a half hour later (I just stayed in the wheelchair) they finally wheeled me in to see him... it was a total shock... he was the tiniest thing I had ever see... only 1 pound and 11 and 1/4 inches long) and he didn't even really look like a baby... it was soo hard! well the first couple of weeks of his life were soo rough we had alot of scares but he was a fighter and pulled through in the end! Edward is truly a miracle of God... the only thing that got me through all of it was prayer and support from David and all my family and friends...

if you are interested in a day by day account of the first few days of his life you can click on February on the little side menu on this page...
Thank you all so much for the prayer and support and cards and visits! it all means so much you will never know how much you have all touched my (and Edward and David's) lives. and a special thanks to those of you who we don't even know personally who have read this blog and Prayed for our little Miracle... God is Awesome!
PS. I'm sorry I don't update as much but my little Miracle takes up most of my time but I will keep updating at least once a week so check back for pictures of my huge 13 pound 8 ounce little man!
Tuesday February 10, 2009 10:00am
I went to the OBGYN for a follow up appointment because the week before I had gone to Labor and delivery 4 times because my contractions where getting worse and Edward wasn't moving a whole lot. well they never did an ultrasound they just monitored his heart rate and sent me home. well back to my appointment I go in and they try to find his heart rate with the little Doppler thing and they were having issues getting anything so they tell me everything is fine and he is probably just in the back of my uterus so they take me to another room and hook me up to the little thing that records the babies heart rate and shows contractions and they were still having a hard time so they say well there is no one in ultrasound so lets just go get a reading there (they still weren't concerned) so I get to ultrasound and the tech puts the thing on my belly and she says hmm... and I asked what is wrong and she said its not a big deal I will just have to get the doc when we are done so next she measures him and she is looking even more worried (oh btw they found his heart beat just fine) so then she starts to look at the blood flow from the umbilical chord and right as she is doing that I started contracting so then she says "I will be right back" so now I'm a little concerned... well she comes back with the doctor and they look at me some more and then the doctor tells me that my fluid is low and that Edward hasn't grown for 2 weeks and that when I am contracting Edward is getting no blood flow from the umbilical chord... so she tells me they are going to have to send me to Denver to be monitored because Cheyenne can't handle this... so she sends me up to labor and delivery to wait for a helicopter to come get me... well apparently the wind was too strong and they had to send an ambulance... so in the mean time they are hooking me up and I start to have issues breathing (a panic attack) and my blood pressure went through the roof (it was already getting higher and higher each appointment) so then they are worried about pre-ecclampsia.. well 2 hours later the ambulance gets there and first thing they do is give me a sedative because I'm freaking out a little... so I basically slept the whole 2 hour ride to Denver.. well we get there and they hook me back up to the monitors and the Doc and ultrasound tech come in and do an ultrasound and then they tell me that they are going to give me a steroid shot for his lungs and that I will get another one in the morning... well I am monitored for about an hour and then the shift changes and a high risk OB comes in to do another ultrasound and he does so for about ten minutes and then tells me that he is sorry but they are going to have to take me back and do an emergency c-section... well the first thing I asked was "how much of a chance that Edward will survive?" and the Doctor tells me about 5% and that he is so small that it is unlikely that they will be able to intubate him and they will try to revive him but it is unlikely.... so then he tels me they are going to put me out and I told him no so he goes and talks to the anaesthesiologist and they decide... OK I can get a spinal... well it took 9 times for them to get the spinal in and for it to work so then it is time to deliver Edward and I didn't even know he was out of me and then I start to hear them bagging him and then all the sudden it stops and I thought he was dead and then they are wheeling him out and they tell me that he is intubated and they are taking him to the NICU. well after they were done sewing me up they took me to the recovery room and I asked when can I see him and they tell me when I can move my toes so I try and try and try and in the mean time the NICU doctors come in and ask me what I want to do if he is in pain (keep him alive or let him pass) and we tell them we have to pray about it and then I finally move my toes and they wheel me to a room... so then again I ask "when can I see him?" and they tell me I have to be able to get into a wheelchair by myself.... (well crap I can just now move my toes) so then they let David go see him and he brings me back a picture on his cell phone... and finally I get into a wheelchair (mostly using my arms) and they are about to wheel me over to the NICU and another nurse comes in and tells me I have to wait because he pulled out his breathing tube...uhh I was panicked and about a half hour later (I just stayed in the wheelchair) they finally wheeled me in to see him... it was a total shock... he was the tiniest thing I had ever see... only 1 pound and 11 and 1/4 inches long) and he didn't even really look like a baby... it was soo hard! well the first couple of weeks of his life were soo rough we had alot of scares but he was a fighter and pulled through in the end! Edward is truly a miracle of God... the only thing that got me through all of it was prayer and support from David and all my family and friends...

if you are interested in a day by day account of the first few days of his life you can click on February on the little side menu on this page...
Thank you all so much for the prayer and support and cards and visits! it all means so much you will never know how much you have all touched my (and Edward and David's) lives. and a special thanks to those of you who we don't even know personally who have read this blog and Prayed for our little Miracle... God is Awesome!
PS. I'm sorry I don't update as much but my little Miracle takes up most of my time but I will keep updating at least once a week so check back for pictures of my huge 13 pound 8 ounce little man!
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